Men's BBQ This Friday, Sept. 14
Forum Wishlist
- Show full names
- When you click on a discussion, have it take you to the beginning instead of the latest comment (not #latest on the url)
- I like this theme for the shape of things and buttons, but not necessarily the colors
I think we can do these things. But it will take some programming--shouldn't be too bad though. We can work on this together.
Here are details:
Show full names: this looks like it requires a programming change...either writing an addon or modifying base PHP code. I've found a few posts on this, but no actual existing addons to install. This shouldn't be too hard...but does require modifying actual PHP files on the server. We can work on this together sometime soon when we both are available
Changing sort order of posts: Here is an addon that is supposed to do this. BUT it has a side effect of always showing that you have unread messages. So this will probably require another PHP programming change :
Changing colors: This would involve editing the CSS file for the theme. Kind of like the PHP changes, this involves downloading the specific file (when logged into cPanel as administrator...can't do it from just a Vanilla login), making the change and then re-uploading